We’re slowly making our way through the submissions from the open reading. I’d love to say that we’re being super-diligent, laser-focused, but I get distracted at the Holidays, just like anyone. I still feel like we have a good chance of notifying “finalists” by Christmas, though (in true GBP fashion) it could be the week between Christmas and the New Year. Let’s see how focused we can be this weekend! A reminder: I’ll be sending updates directly to “finalists” and then posting here that those notifications have gone out; if you don’t receive an email from me by January 1, 2023, it’s very, very likely that your manuscript is no longer under consideration. As always, feel free to contact me if you have a question.
(Speaking of, I’m really behind on replying to emails. Something else I need to catch up on this weekend.)
We had a really great Zoom reading a couple weeks ago. As you would definitely expect, GBP doesn’t have a paid Zoom account, so we were limited to just 30 or 40 minutes which, honestly, is a really good length for two readers. Sarah Nichols and Chelsea Bodnar were (and are) great, and I hope to do more of these as chapbooks emerge. Tell your friends!
If I don’t see you before then, Happy Holidays!