August/September 2024 Update

We’ve spent most of the Summer getting chapbook orders out (some of them bulk orders) and celebrating the successes of some of our authors.  Earlier this Summer, Jennifer Martelli’s Dear Justice got a write-up in the Boston Globe, which helped launch a lot of copies out into the world.  And Jessica Purdy’s chapbook The Adorable Knife is going to be featured in the gift shop at the Rocks in Bethlehem, NH, which is the location of the renovated Summer home of Frances Glessner Lee (whose work provided the inspiration for the chapbook).  

Next up (in the coming weeks) is the long-awaited chapbook from Elizabeth Shvarts, Soft Animals.  We’ve been working on this one for several months now, and it’s almost ready to go to print!

As far as promotion goes, we’ll be doing same (but better?) haphazard social media approach, but we’ll no longer be posting on the fascist wet dream that is Twitter/X.  We’ll keep reposting updates on our Facebook page, but we’ve also (slowly) launched an Instagram (@greybookpress).  There, we’ll keep bouncing between new releases and highlighting some older and/or fun historical poetry artifacts.