
Our latest chapbook was a little unexpected.  Things started when Chelsea Bodnar streamed herself reading poetry from some Grey Book Press chapbooks on her Facebook page.  I thanked her and, soon after, saw a video she had streamed of her reading her own work.  Honestly, I hadn’t been watching as many poetry-reading videos (or “attending” live readings) as I should have during the pandemic, so I set aside the time to watch hers.  And I’m so glad I did. 

The poems seemed to be set in a post-apocalyptic world, at once terrible and beautiful.  There was a focus on precise language, as well as some dark humor.  She mentioned that these pieces comprised a chapbook . . . one with no home.  So I asked to read it and offered to give it a home.

Only after reading a second time and corresponding with Chelsea did I realize that the poems all take place in the world of first-person shooter video game BioShock.  Not having played that game, I wasn’t familiar with all the clues and specific characters that inhabit the poems.  None of that changed my feeling about the collection, but I’m sure knowing the game would help deepen one’s connection and make it easier to visualize the scenes she sets.

All of this is to say, it’s a fun read and you should pick one up on the Titles page.

From “Breadwinner”:

“you forget / every bad thing / you’ve done // the good things / you’ve thought / about doing // as you sift through the pockets / of the dead // and slip bandoliers / from their shoulders / like nightgowns //”

October 2020 Update

Autumn is here!  The trees are changing colors, and cool breezes blow in your windows.  Unless you live in Florida, where it won’t be “Autumn” for another several weeks. 
We’re still reading manuscripts from our open reading period that ended last month.  We should be reaching out to some “finalists” in the coming week(s). 
The other, more immediate, news is the next chapbook we have coming out . . . Our Home Can be a Dangerous Place by Chelsea Bodnar.  It will be out in four days (meaning, it will show up on the Titles page, and we’ll make an announcement here).  There is a hope that we’ll be doing some kind of virtual reading soon, as well, so stay tuned!

September 2020 Update

There are just a few hours left to submit your chapbook manuscripts (as of this writing) before the open reading window closes for another year.  Or at least several months.  We’ll start going through those right away.  Thanks in advance for your patience.

The other big news is . . . we have a surprise chapbook coming out in about a month.  In what turns out to be a story about something good happening on Facebook, we came upon Chelsea Bodnar reading her poems (in a live stream, though not strictly live for us) and, yadda, yadda, yadda, CHAPBOOK!  There’s more to it than that, of course, and I’ll tell you all about the “yadda, yadda, yadda” as we get into October. 

Open Reading Guidelines (September 2020)

The 2020 open reading period starts at midnight September 1 and runs through 11:59 PM September 14.  This is a couple months earlier than previous years.  I thought we’d get a head start on setting up the schedule for 2021.  Here are the guidelines:

      • One entry per person.  No reading fee.
      • Manuscripts will be read as “blindly” as possible, so please take your name off the title page.
      • Manuscripts should have between 16 and 24 pages of poems.
      • Email submissions to greybookpress (at) gmail (dot) com.  Subject line: “SUBMISSIONS – [LAST NAME] – [TITLE]”
      • If you’ve had a chapbook published by GBP, you’re not excluded.  But if there are multiple GBP veterans among the “finalists,” only one will be considered for publication.
      • The goal is to choose at least two manuscripts for publication with a maximum of five.  Runs will either be open-ended with 25 author copies or limited limited editions of 50 (in which case, 15 author copies). 
      • The goal is to notify all finalists by Halloween.  We likely will not notify you if you are not a finalist, but feel free to check with us after Halloween if you haven’t heard anything.  Updates will be posted here.

In selecting chapbooks for publication, we usually aim for “range” in across accepted manuscripts.  For instance, we may choose a favorite, or “winner,” that would be the best/most resonant manuscript, and other selected manuscript(s) would be “different” from that one in some way.  If several are chosen, ideally, they’d be different from one another.

If you have any questions not answered/addressed here, let us know at the email listed above.

Good luck!

July/August 2020 Update

Y’know, I intended to provide an update last month.

Back in the day, the press took Summers off from reading and publishing.  This year, we only had two manuscripts to publish from our open reading last November, and they were set to be released in the Spring.  And then the pandemic hit.  Both turned into Summer releases and are now out in the world.  We aren’t currently considering any manuscripts.  Because 2020 turned out to be a lighter schedule (two chapbooks instead of five or six), we’re going to bump up our next open reading to be in September instead of November.

I (Scott) am currently reading some contest manuscripts for my friends at Anhinga Press, and that should wrap up later this month.  Additionally, I (Scott) write poetry, too.  I’ve been neglecting my writing for years, but have been working on an every-evolving manuscript that I’d also like to wrap up this month.  So, September seems like a good target.  I’ll post updates on the exact timing, but it’ll likely be a two-week window starting at the beginning September.  Guidelines will be posted a couple/few days before the window opens. 

Okay, that’s it for now.  Back to reading (and writing). 

Stay cool, stay safe, and Black Lives Matter!


The newest Grey Book Press chapbook––Continued by Chris Bullard––is our second COVID-delayed release.  We chose only two manuscripts from our Autumn Open Reading, and we were all set for them to come out in March and then we lost access to our cover printer and also outsourcing options.  Soon after that, our website platform had to be updated, so we were down for about a month.  But now we’re back and here we are.

Chris’ chapbook is a highly entertaining and darkly funny batch of poems, several of which play on the sonnet form with numbered lines (1 to 14).  It fits in well with our established haunted, dystopian-adjacent aesthetic.

There were a couple blurbs submitted that didn’t get added to the cover (could be added later), so I’m going add them here.  Enjoy!

“From lists to cat scans to electrical circuitry, Chris Bullard works wittily and with not a little despair on ‘the line’ and its authority.  His fine poems manage to edge themselves nearer a dark hole with each attempt: from the diamond shape that holds his mother to the (invisible?) white line delineating ‘artist.’  He asks us again and again what happens when we ‘draw the line.’ Is this even possible on our shifting planet?  Bullard moves such questions into uneasy spaces in this restless, intelligent work, which knows that ‘power ran through everything.’  And that if there is a punchline, of the sort he yearns toward as a lover of art and language, that ‘All I had to do was flip the switch and the whole apparatus would start working like a dream’ is really poetry’s and maybe the world’s own end dream.” ––Terri Witek,  Sullivan Chair in Creative Writing / Professor of English

“Wicked little stories, wacky writing prompts, parodic puzzle clues, and one concrete poem––this genre-defying collection supplies them all.  Chris Bullard catalogues loss with his distinctive irony.  A marriage falls apart in a numbered list that charts infidelity with glasses of wine and Scotch.  Abalones, traumatized while migrating, seek revenge.  A mother’s memory vanishes into a black hole that opens to swallow her, then closes.  Comedy and tragedy slide back and forth on a continuum so subtle you can’t tell where the shift occurred.” ––Anne-Adele Wight 


You can pick up a copy (or copies) of Continued on the Titles page!

Battling Demons

It’s funny. A couple days ago, Facebook reminded me (in my personal account) that, four years ago, I’d posted a photo taken during assembly of our then-latest chapbook. Which was actually Clown Machine by Jennifer MacBain-Stephens.

We hadn’t planned on Jennifer’s next Grey Book Press chapbook coming out now, almost four years exactly after Clown Machine. Of course, the Coronavirus (and the vagaries of web-hosting issues) had other plans. But, now, we are back with a bang . . . Jennifer’s latest chapbook, The Female Citizens from Sunshine Nation Face off with Light Sucking Demons.

This was the first manuscript I chose during our open reading last Fall, immediately drawn to the bizarre-o mythology in its pages. I asked Jennifer to describe it for us. “The female identified fighters and ‘Hybrids’ must behead ink-filled demons who just want to steal the warriors’ warmth, or essence: what makes them tick. The demons have hidden third eyes and a thing for office supplies. In this alternate universe where the POD thinks it’s in control and maybe keeping citizens safe, characters still kiss in stairwells and wear Beatles tee shirts. Female Citizen #1 writes letters to Rory, who is slowly changing for the worse. There might be a few more moons visible but nothing beats a sharp sword. Will the Female Citizens preserve their livelihood, their creative power amongst the chaotic violence and future Priuses? Will they mingle with Shamans who evolve, and ‘zing,’ and listen to jazz records and live to tell about it?” Jennifer has created a world and brought a war to her poetry, because, guess what . . . we know this war.

From “Moth Mouths or Why She Hoped to Zing”:

“Z. moth mouthed an electrical message,
a riding lawnmower teaser

sliced into ribbons in the grass.
Suddenly purple kohlrabi grew.

She loved his soft and hard mouth
his chisel and drum

music notes intertwined about his brain fizz.”

What a way for us to make our return. Thanks, Jennifer!

Copies available on the Titles page.

June 2020 Update

As you can see, our website is back up and running.  There will be tweaks as we go (we’ve found several things that need to be updated), so let us know if you see anything that looks strange. One thing: As we switched web platforms, we chose not to restore a lot of the historical posts (mostly pre-2020).  Also during that process, links in social media posts were broken and won’t be fixed.  Whomp whomp.

On the plus side, the Titles page had more of a seamless transition.  We’ve also been working on our next two chapbooks in the meantime, so they’re nearly ready to launch.  First (within the next couple weeks) will be The Female Citizens of Sunshine Nation Face off with Light Sucking Demons by Jenny MacBain-Stephens, followed in early July by Continued by Chris Bullard.

Thanks to everyone for your patience during our COVID-related downtime, and our hearts are with the protesters and others taking a stand against racial inequality.  Thanks also to Jim for help transitioning the website and to Patricia for hosting and ongoing support.

April 2020 Update

A month ago, I hadn’t anticipated the Coronavirus would have such an impact on our operations. First off, with everything but essential businesses closing, I lost easy/safe access to my color printer. I was already a little behind on getting our next chapbook ready to print, so I was looking at outsourcing the covers (which we’ll probably do anyway). And then I found out that our website needs to shift to a new platform, which will mean a little transition when the website will be down. So, the current plan is to continue with productions and get things ready and launch the chapbooks (staggered them a month or so) as soon as website is back up. (The website will go down around the end of April) First up will be The Female Citizens of Sunshine Nation Face off with Light Sucking Demons by Jenny MacBain-Stephens, and then Continued by Chris Bullard.

Thanks everyone, especially our poets, for your patience.

Stay healthy, and see you on the other side!