In the early 90s, Scott was a young and impressionable undergrad at Florida State University. During one semester in particular, before his evening poetry workshop, he would sometimes meet a poet friend (then writing under the name of Shiloh Foster) at the nearby Sweet Shop to write. Over pitchers of Michelob. This collaboration eventually led to The Night Brings Violets—a series of chapbooks published under Shiloh’s New Apathy Press imprint. Although submissions were solicited, none were accepted and the duo published a handful of “issues.” (Badly stapled copies of the final “compilation” issue still exist.)

Soon after graduating from FSU, Scott got engaged and moved to Albany, New York, where he started his own imprint, Grey Book Press, and its signature poetry journal, bound. This journal was published irregularly, continuing until briefly after Scott and his wife returned to Tallahassee. When life intervened. (Their daughter recently turned seven.)

Several years later, and Scott is less-young . . . but still impressionable. Despite struggling to find time to create and the drive to create, he is surrendering to the gnawing desire, the need, to revive the press and one again seek out high-quality poems.

Grey Book Press started a new journal (Momoware) in 2008, which is still being published in the same guerilla, no-frills fashion as its predecessor. The chapbook-sized journal appears irregularly. The press also publishes short chapbooks.